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A Look Back: Our First Year in Arkansas

Our first year in Arkansas have been amazing thanks to the support of the community. Here's a look back at our journey from a startup in a small garage in Birmingham, Alabama to becoming a major player in Little Rock, Arkansas that is transforming the fuel payments industry by making high-volume fuel retailers $15,000-$300,000 extra each year.

Back in October, Governor Asa Hutchinson, Congressman French Hill, Mayor Mark Stodola, James Hendren, Arkansas Economic Development Commission, Little Rock Chamber of Commerce & many more welcomed us for the official announcement of our move to Arkansas.

Governor Asa Hutchinson stated: "The company's success is a direct reflection of our state's talented workforce and pro-business environment." Mike Preston, Executive Director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission noted: "Some people think that you must live in Silicon Valley to succeed in technology, but we continue to prove them wrong every day."

We strive to fulfill these words every day here at Gas Pos.

Our Arkansas journey started with the 2018 VC Fintech Accelerator. We got the chance to learn everyday from the fellow startups in the program. For instance, Stacie Whisonant of Pay Your Tuition is making it possible for students to go to college by providing financial support. Trevor Lain from LexAlign is turning compliance into an easy & automated process for the first time. Matt Stawarz is brilliant at financial models, and could easily become a mentor at any accelerator. These are just some of the innovators we got to both work with & hang out with from April to July. We want to thank James Hendren, Wayne Miller, Collins Andrews & the rest of the Venture Center Team for their leadership during this program. Our move to Arkansas would not be possible without you.

Our journey in Arkansas is continuing - we don't know where it'll take us. We do know every day we are thankful for your support, and we are working hard to innovate for both Arkansas & petrol station owners.

Thank you all for an awesome year in Arkansas!

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